Security Leftovers
Meet New OpenSSF GM Omkhar Arasaratnam [Ed: The first one was Microsoft (yes, Microsoft back doors!)]
Omkhar Arasaratnam is a veteran cybersecurity and technical risk management executive with more than 25 years of experience leading global organizations. Omkhar began his career as a strong supporter of open source software as a PPC64 maintainer for Gentoo and contributor to the Linux kernel, and that enthusiasm for OSS continues today.
How the Mirai botnet continues to threaten business networks
One of the most powerful pieces of malware began with the efforts of three American teens who were motivated by playing 'Minecraft' in 2014. Called Mirai, it would go on to crash Germany’s largest internet provider, knock Dyn’s Domain Name System servers offline and disrupt all of Liberia’s internet connections. -
Many Vulnerabilities Found in PrinterLogic Enterprise Software
Multiple vulnerabilities in PrinterLogic’s enterprise management printer solution could expose organizations to various types of attacks.
PyPI Enforcing 2FA for All Project Maintainers to Boost Security [Ed: Adding burden, not real security; you'd need to read the actual code, every time a new version comes out]
PyPI will require all accounts that maintain a project to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) by the end of 2023.