today's leftovers
Please Participate in the State of Green Software Survey 2022 [Ed: Greenwashing by Microsoft boosters who are pushing and openwashing bloatware]
Automotive trends at CES Las Vegas
CES is a once a year opportunity for all industry professionals to showcase their innovations and meet with their peers and customers. This year is special for Canonical because although we attended as visitors in the past, it was the first time we had a booth dedicated to Automotive and Smart Home IoT at CES!
Sylabs Announces the Availability of SingularityCE in the EPEL Repository
loads, today announced that SingularityCE is now available in the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository, a repository of additional packages for Enterprise Linux distribution (such as Alma Linux, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Scientific Linux and Rocky Linux).
Happy Belated New Year 2023 with a Photoshoot Event! - DDraceNetwork News
Thanks to louis we have a “DDNet New Year Photoshoot 2023” server again with a fresh map for 2023! Also thanks to TsFreddie for the server modification. Everyone can join the New Year Photshoot server running now to be part of the community photo! Check out last year’s result too.