Canonical/Ubuntu: x86, Apt, Snap, and Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 761
Canonical Announces Ubuntu Images Optimized for Intel IoT Platforms
Ubuntu is already the first choice for many enterprises, with no signs of this changing any time soon.
Now, Canonical is taking it a step further by launching optimized Ubuntu images for Intel IoT platforms.
apt remove: Uninstall apt Packages in Ubuntu
How do you uninstall apt packages in Ubuntu using the terminal? It’s quite simple, actually.
Steam now easy to install in Ubuntu via SNAP package | UbuntuHandbook
Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, is building the popular Steam game platform as Snap package!
The Ubuntu developer team is going to improve gaming experience on this popular Linux distribution. The first step is to simplify the process of setting up gaming environment. As the number 1 game platform, Steam to be first one they focus on.
Ubuntu Fridge | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 761
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 761 for the week of November 6 – 12, 2022.