Linux 6.11-rc2
So rc1 had a fair number of annoying small build or test failures on Guenter's test matrix, which never looks good. But most of them seemed to be of the "stupid and trivial" variety, which obviously doesn't instill confidence in the process, but also isn't exactly scary. When the microblaze tinyconfig doesn't build cleanly, it may not be a great look, but it's also probably not a showstopper for actual use.
Hopefully we've gotten rid of the bulk of the silly noise here in rc2, and not added too much new noise, so that we can get on with the process of finding more meaningful issues.
One more:
Linux Kernel 6.11 RC2 Released: Focusing on “More Meaningful Issues”
Linus Torvalds, the principal developer of the GNU/Linux kernel, announced the release of GNU/Linux Kernel 6.11 RC2 on August 4th, 2024.