Proton Launch Privacy-Focused Google Docs Alternative
Quoting: Proton Launch Privacy-Focused Google Docs Alternative - OMG! Ubuntu —
While “Google Docs” is a suite of apps, ‘Docs’ is also the name of the word processor component, which is what Proton’s analog (wordily named Docs in Proton Drive) is — there’s no spreadsheet or presentation maker component, alas.
In terms of features, Proton Docs is furnished enough to handle most regular use cases, with the usual sort of rich text editing features, tablet support, paragraph styles, image embeds, and file compatibility to/from common formats, like DOCX and RTF.
It can’t open or save to ODT, which is what LibreOffice uses. Welp.
Another compelling features of Proton Docs is that it offers real-time collaboration with others you share documents with, including in-line indicators of who’s caret is where, the ability to make comments and replies, all end-to-end encrypted and secure.
But it has shortcomings: it’s not a comprehensive word processor, and lacks many formatting and advanced features found in Google Docs, Zoho, ONLYOFFICE Online Editors, et al.