Best Free and Open Source Software
Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Microsoft Paint - LinuxLinks
Microsoft Paint is a simple raster graphics editor that has been included with all versions of Microsoft Windows.
Paint is proprietary software that’s not available for Linux. We recommend the best free and open source alternatives.
9 Best Free and Open Source JavaScript Runtime Environments - LinuxLinks
The runtime environment takes on different forms depending on the context. For example, the runtime environment in a web browser is different from that of Node.js. In a web browser, the runtime is comprised of the JavaScript engine, web APIs, the callback queue, and the event loop.
Here are the best free JavaScript runtimes with our verdict captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart. We feature only free and open source software here.
Tambourine Music Player Review - LinuxLinks
All music libraries are different, and the right open source music player can make a world of difference – especially if you’ve a large collection.
We’ve reviewed the vast majority of music players for Linux. But there always seems more out there to explore.
Tambourine Music Player is described as a music player for your local music library. It’s written in Kotlin and published under an open source license.