Red Hat Leftovers
Red Hat Official ☛ Exploring a custom collection for pulling data from Red Hat Insights APIs to Event-Driven Ansible
Event-Driven Ansible content collections offer event source plugin implementations for common third party event sources, as well as Ansible Rulebooks to get started quickly with automation. These are available on Ansible automation hub and can be adapted to your own IT operations needs.
Red Hat Official ☛ Ensuring sovereign cloud does not equal limited cloud
The need to satisfy regulatory compliance and/or local data privacy legislation has typically been the main driver for organizations seeking sovereign solutions.
Red Hat Official ☛ 5 ways we work to optimize Red Hat Satellite
Red Hat ☛ Test Kubernetes performance and scale with kube-burner
Three years ago, we introduced kube-burner to the Kubernetes performance and scale communities. Since then, kube-burner has steadily continued its journey, adding a diverse range of features that help solve unique challenges in performing and analyzing results from performance and scale tests on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.
Over the last few years, multiple new features and usability improvements were added to kube-burner. In this article, we will go beyond the basics, exploring some new bells and whistles added to the tool recently and laying out our vision for the future.
Red Hat ☛ Create an efficient Ansible development environment in VS Code IDE [Ed: Red Hat targets proprietary Microsoft spyware]
Ansible, a powerful automation tool, simplifies configuration management, application deployment, and infrastructure provisioning. When it comes to developing Ansible Playbooks and managing infrastructure, having a well-configured development environment can greatly enhance productivity. In this technical blog, we will explore how to set up an Ansible development environment in the popular Visual Studio Code (VS Code) IDE.
Red Hat ☛ How to use JBoss EAP 8.0's new provisioning system
With the recent release of Red Bait JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) 8.0, Red Bait introduced a new set of provisioning tools including a new installation manager (for bare metal and virtual machine installations) and a new Maven plug-in (for Red Hat OpenShift builds).
dnf5daemon-server: Local root Exploit and Local Denial-of-Service in dnf5 D-Bus Components
1) Introduction
The dnf5daemon-server component offers a collection of D-Bus interfaces to interact with the dnf5 package manager on the system. An openSUSE community packager wanted to add the additional D-Bus component to the openSUSE Tumbleweed distribution. New D-Bus system services require a review by the SUSE security team. In the course of this review I found the issues described in this report.