Microsoft Antitrust Violations or Flirtations
Microsoft Edge Wants to Know Why You're Ditching it for Chrome
The poll doesn't replace any of Microsoft's previous pop-ups — instead it adds to them by revealing itself through Edge's Action Center, which takes up nearly a quarter of the browser's real estate when open. The poll asks users why they want to switch to another browser, providing eight detailed answers for users to select including "I can't search Google easily", "I can't access my Google Documents", and ironically "Too many ads and pop-ups" to name a few.
Microsoft Edge now injects an awkward poll when you download Chrome
Depending on if Bing is the default search engine, these questions are the second or even third time Edge will insert itself into your business. Bing displays a banner downplaying other browsers if you search for Chrome, and once you load the Chrome website, a small overlay springs up to boast of Edge’s superiority. (On Windows 10, you get bonus hilarity in the form of extra erroneous text, which says that setting Microsoft Edge as your default browser is only a valid offer for one person per account within 14 days of joining. No, it doesn’t make any sense.)
Microsoft now wants you to take a poll before installing Google Chrome
Now, besides dismissing several banners and a full-size ad injected on the Chrome website, Edge wants you to answer a questionnaire with the following options: [...]