Gemini Articles of Interest
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Technology and Free Software
"New" Thinkpad T60 and Hyperbola Linux
I adopted an Thinkpad T60... really, i didn't plan on getting another machine! But there was this coworker who cleared his basement and found this T60 in absolutely pristine condition which only needed some cleaning and the removement of shoddily applied german keyboard stickers. And as my Thinkpad R60 is currently my playground for ReactOS and i needed a mobile system for work and thinking how shamefull it would be letting such a system go to the electronic wast heap... eh.. whatever, i got another system.
So, the first question was which operating system will go on this machine, as ia am always on the lookout for ways to make my life a bit more complicated i opted for a distribution based on the linux-libre kernel. After failing to install Guix i went for Hyperbola and... really started to like it. Hyperbola is a descendant from Arch and is built by a group of brazilian free software fanatics (and i use this word in the most positive way possible), who want to build a system in the lightweight Arch way but with Debian style long term support stability. They are also planing on switching the kernel from Linux to an OpenBSD fork. So... its an interesting system. That they offer a combined 32/64 Bit installation image also contributed to my decission to try it out. Oh, and its SystemD free, didn't i mention this?
Feedback on Guppy and UDP
What makes Guppy most interesting is it uses UDP instead of TCP.
I think it's awesome that people are playing with protocols, and even more so, publishing their thoughts for the community. It's easy to poop on someone's work and I don't want to do that. I have a follow up gemlog to post with suggestions I would make to the Guppy spec without changing UDP principles. However in this post I want discuss the challenges I would have as a developer implementing Guppy due to its use of UDP, and those limitations.
Return to the PDA (Palm OS, Gemini, Offline)
I've always had a strong connection to Palm OS devices. I've been carrying around PDA's long before the 'smartphone' came along.
I'm on a quest to be more productive, spend more time doing what's essential like quality family time, I've had enough with all the push notifications and constant distractions that's indicative of the current state of the web.
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