Porting Gentoo packages to modern C
Week 5 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C
I’m writing this report on 13th July, almost two week late. See week 6 report for that, I had fallen a bit sick.
Hello all, this is my week 5’s report for my project “Porting Gentoo’s
packages to Modern C”.First things first, we now have MATE desktop and related packages
ported. Not only just in Modern C, but it’s now compatible with
gettext-0.22, too [1]. So if you are using llvm-musl or the llvm profile
you can use MATE desktop. -
Week 6 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C
Hello all,
This week I couldn’t do much as I caught a bit of cold and fell ill. But
I’m doing much better now and will begin working again starting this
week. I plan on making up for last weeks work in the coming week and
in case there is still remaining work, I will make it up in the