Education, Free Software, and Science
Maintainer Burnout: PyCon US 2023 Followup
At PyCon US 2023, David Lord facilitated an open space discussion of "maintainer burnout, how to survive it, and maybe how to prevent it." Here are some notes (incorporating his; thanks, David!), my analysis, and useful links.
Mailing lists versus forums, some thoughts
In theory, mail clients can group messages by thread, let people mute entire threads that aren't of interest to them, and layer on additional things for topic areas and so on. In practice this relies on mail clients both being pretty sophisticated and doing the right thing on replies, which means that in practice it can be fragile. The default experience of an active mailing list with a mail client is a steady rain of relatively undifferentiated email. By contrast, forums don't give you any choice about the matter; your message or reply will be associated with a specific, distinct thread (and possibly in a specific topic area). This is more or less enforced by both the software and the social expectations; even if you can technically do otherwise with enough work, it won't get you the results you want.
The future of open source in the age of AI: Analysts break down Open Source Summit insights
The recent surge in artificial intelligence presents a challenge to open source and could potentially topple generations of open-source work.
“No one wants to bet against open source,” said industry analyst John Furrier (pictured, left). “However, open source is in trouble right now because of the AI wave. We’re seeing a lot of signals where there are pressure points coming in this tornado of open source that puts a lot of things at risk.”
OpenInfra Summit Vancouver 2023 is coming
The Canonical booth (B11) will see a number of exciting demos on a new open source project – K8s-native OpenStack. We will demonstrate how to quickly spin up OpenStack on Kubernetes, including both single-node installations and multi-node clusters. Another round of demos will walk you through the concept of leveraging an integrated open infrastructure stack consisting of OpenStack, Kubernetes and Kubeflow for AI/ML purposes. Our cloud experts will be happy to answer any questions about those technologies as well as discuss the current stage of your cloud migration strategy.
A Weekend At The Open Hardware Summit
SparkFun alum Priyanka Makin gives us a firsthand account of her experience at The Open Source Hardware Association's Open Hardware Summit. Learn about the talks, demos, workshops, and more here!
Unix Philosophy for AI
Text processing was the initial pitch for the development of Unix at Bell Labs (see An Oral History of Unix). It became more than that. Spell checkers in ed used the sort command. Then there was AWK, the text processing language used by the awk tool by Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan. Then there were Unix pipes — the development that made the Unix philosophy a reality.
Live streaming LibreOffice bug triaging – your experiences (part 1)
LibreOffice's QA (Quality Assurance) community helps to identify and fix bugs in the software. Every week, Ilmari Lauhakangas from The Document Foundation (the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice) live-streams bug triaging sessions, so that others can see how he works on bug reports, and ask him questions.
Open source at America's famous Los Alamos Lab: Pragmatism as its nucleus
"Some of this is arm's length measurement to look at capabilities and failure modes. The fact that the code is inspectable, that it's open source, is it quite a big deal."
The choice of MariaDB, as opposed to the related open-source alternatives such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, was also influenced by its ability to execute “fine-grained locking.”
Carnegie Mellon University researchers place among $1 million top spot in XPRIZE Digital Learning Challenge
Science researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are among a team of winners that won the $1 million national XPRIZE Digital Learning Challenge. UpGrade, a free and open-source platform developed by Pittsburgh-based Carnegie Learning, also placed as one of two finalists in the competition.