Software: DTrace, Rivendell, and xpidump
Linux mailing lists ☛ [RELEASE] DTrace 2.0.0-1.14
We are happy to announce the availability of the latest development version of DTrace for Linux (2.0.0-1.14).
This new version is based on BPF and other Linux kernel tracing features and is implemented entirely as a userspace application. It can be used for tracing on any Linux kernel that provides BPF based tracing and BTF type data, although (as mentioned below) improved functionality depends on two (optional) kernel patches.
The functionality is close to being feature-complete in comparison with the kernel moduule based version of DTrace for Linux (version 1.2.1-1). Development continues in an incremental fashion to make the full feature set of DTrace available using existing kernel features.
LWN ☛ Rivendell v4.2.0 released
Version 4.2.0 of the Rivendell radio automation system has been released. Changes include a new data feed for 'next' data objects, improvements to its podcast system, numerous bug fixes, and more.
William Durand: Introducing xpidump
I wrote xpidump to give a human-readable summary of some information about a Firefox add-on. It is designed to answer these two questions: is the add-on likely1 signed? And if so, how?