Programming Leftovers
[Repeat] Troy Hunt ☛ Troy Hunt: Soft-Launching and Open Sourcing the Have I Been Pwned Rebrand
The rebrand we're soft-launching today has been a long time coming, and true to that form, we're not rushing it. This is a "soft launch" in that we're sharing work in progress that's sufficiently evolved to put it out there to the public, but you won't see it in production anywhere yet. The website is no different, the social channels still have the same hero shots and avatars etc. This is the time to seek feedback and tweak before committing more effort into writing code and pushing this to the masses.
Sandor Dargo ☛ C++26: Removing language features
Probably you all heard that C++ is an ever-growing language - I wrote so many times as well. Each standard indeed comes with a great bunch of highly-anticipated features. At the same time, due to binary compatibility considerations, very few old features are removed. This has several implications: [...]
Julia Programming Language ☛ Julia Now Available on Google Colab
The Julia programming language has officially joined the list of supported runtimes in Google Colab, marking a significant milestone for both the Julia and Jupyter communities. With its high-performance capabilities, access to powerful GPUs and TPUs, and ease of use, Julia is now more accessible than ever, allowing users to take full advantage of Colab’s cloud-based environment. Keep an eye out on the Julia Discourse announcement thread for tips and tricks!
Pondering Qt
Qt Contributor’s Summit 2025 is taking place in Munich in May. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it this year, so let’s talk about some of my recent contributions to our favorite cross-platform UI toolkit.
I’ll be jealous of your Weißwurstfrühstück in Munich and am looking forward to attending Qt Contributor’s Summit again in 2026!
Justin Duke ☛ Smoke test your Django admin site
Here is a confession: I am a very strong proponent of a robust test suite being perhaps the single most important asset of a codebase, but when it comes to auxiliary services like admin sites or CLIs when it comes to testing I tend to ask for forgiveness more than I ask for permission. Django's admin site is no different: and, because Django's admin DSL is very magic-string-y, there's a lot of stuff that never gets caught by CI or mypy until a lovely CS agent informs me that something is blowing up in their face.
Redowan Delowar ☛ Nil comparisons and Go interface
Comparing interface values in Go has caught me off guard a few times, especially with nils. Often, I’d expect a comparison to evaluate to true but got false instead.
Many moons ago, Russ Cox wrote a fantastic blog post1 on interface internals that clarified my confusion. This post is a distillation of my exploration of interfaces and nil comparisons.