New Release of Smoothwall Express
Distro Watch ☛ Distribution Release: Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6
Neal P. Murphy has announced the release of Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6, an updated build of the project's specialist Linux distribution for firewalls and routers with a custom web-based configuration interface: [...]
Smoothwall Express 3.1 Update 12/SP6 released
The Smoothwall Express Team announce the release of Update12. We updated a few packages.
Thanks to everyone on the team and in the community who helped identify and root out bugs and problems and helped test.
As always, if you experience any problems, support is available via the Express 3.1 forum.
Please note: further updates will most likely require updates to binutils, gcc, glibc, and linux, and may require moving the minimum kernel headers from 3.4.104 to something newer. This probably will not happen. Alas, progress on the next version is still glacial.