Free, Libre, and Open Source Software and the Web
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
Matt Birchler ☛ My lil' Ghostty terminal config
I wrote about Ghostty last week, and since then I've played around with it enough to know it's my new terminal emulator of choice. For me the killer feature is how fast it is, putting the most popular apps to shame (Apple Terminal and iTerm, specifically).
Web Browsers/Web Servers
University of Toronto ☛ The programmable web browser was and is inevitable
In a comment on my entry on why the modern web is why web browsers can't have nice things, superkuh wrote in part:
"In the past it was seen as crazy to open every executable file someone might send you over the [Internet] (be it email, ftp, web, or whatever). But sometime in the 2010s it became not only acceptable, but standard practice to automatically run every executable sent to you by any random endpoint on the [Internet]."
For 'every executable' you should read 'every piece of JavaScript', which is executable code that is run by your browser as a free and relatively unlimited service provided to every web page you visit. The dominant thing restraining the executables that web pages send you is the limited APIs that browsers provide, which is why they provide such limited APIs. This comment sparked a chain of thoughts that led to a thesis.
James G ☛ Refinement
For the last few months, I have been working on Artemis, my calm web reader. Artemis lets you keep up to date with web feeds. The reader updates once per day, intended to discourage me from periodically checking for new articles.
As I have been working on the tool, I find myself often noting details about my experience that I think could be better – opportunities for refinement.
Darek Kay ☛ Grab browser links and titles in one click
When you click the bookmark(let), the current page including its title will be copied into your clipboard. You don't even have to choose the output format: the link is copied both as rich text and plain text (Markdown). This works because it's possible to write multiple values into the clipboard with different content types.
SoCal Linux Expo ☛ SCALE 22x Presentations
Licensing / Legal
The Register UK ☛ Pie Adblock called out for copying uBlock Origin code
Closed-source browser extension Pie Adblock was this week accused of copying code and text from rival uBlock Origin in violation of the latter's software license – the GNU GPL version 3.