today's howtos
Migrate and Upgrade: CentOS 7 to Oracle Linux 8 in one step
This step-by-step guide shows how to upgrade and migrate at the same time, from CentOS 7 to Oracle Linux 8. The example leverages Leapp and Elevate open source projects to get the entire process managed in one single step.
Connect to server via ssh using the terminal in Linux
To login to a server via SSH open your terminal and enter the following command.
GO Media ☛ How to Find Your Motherboard Model on Windows, macOS, and Linux
Finding out the type of motherboard you've got on a Linux computer is fairly straightforward. You need to launch a Terminal window, then type "sudo dmidecode -t 2" and hit Enter. Type in your user account password, hit Enter again, and you'll be met with all the details of your motherboard (called a base board here), including the manufacturer, product name and serial number.
Cowsay command display ASCII cow in terminal with message
If the cowsay package is not installed in your Ubuntu or Ubuntu based distribution enter the following command in the terminal
Change the hostname on Ubuntu server
To check your current hostname enter the following in the terminal