Programming Leftovers
Dirk Eddelbuettel ☛ Dirk Eddelbuettel: tinythemes 0.0.1 at CRAN: New Package
Delighted to announce a new package that arrived on CRAN today: tinythemes. It repackages the
function by Bob Rudis from his hrbrthemes package in a zero (added) dependency way. A simple example is (also available as a demo inside the packages in the next update) contrasts the default style (on left) with the one added by this package (on the right): [...] -
Mozilla ☛ Mozilla Performance Blog: Performance Testing Newsletter (Q4 Edition)
Welcome to the latest edition of the Performance Testing Newsletter! The PerfTools team empowers engineers with tools to continuously improve the performance of Mozilla products. See below for highlights from the changes made in the last quarter.
Perl / Raku
Rakulang ☛ Rakudo Weekly 2023.51 Still More Magic
The third batch of Advent Calendar 2023 posts about the Raku Programming Language has arrived. Enjoy! FOSDEM DevRoom Currently, there have not been any Raku applications for the FOSDEM DevRoom so far. If you intend to attend FOSDEM on 3/4 February in Brussels, why not give a cool presentation of the Raku Programming Language as well?