Don't Let the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) 'Cancel' the People Who Made GNU/Linux
Corporate money buying influence and agenda
THE other day we shared this video of Eben Moglen, who sued SFC for being an imposter organisation looking to siphon money away from the actual founders of GNU/Linux and the GPL. Over at Techrights, the sister site, today I look hard at the financial numbers and what they tell us about the modus operandi of SFC. Weeks ago we also wrote over here about the latest mischievous move from SFC, in effect gagging the person behind the GPL.
It should be noted that the SFC has elevated to the executive team the person who spent years defaming Linus Torvalds (not GNU, not even a friend of the FSF) because this person's code sucks and this person cannot accept this. With the job title "Senior Director of Diversity and Inclusion" it's probably a CoC violation to even criticise that job with an annual salary of $135,000+ (for optics). █