Off-Theme Presents: Graphite
In the second installment of Off-Theme, it’s time to take a look at a global theme that boldly goes for a starkly monochromatic aesthetic and sharp window borders. For people who don’t know what Off-Theme is, check out the Going Off-Theme post that introduces the series and knowledge that could come in handy with using the global themes showcased.
Graphite is actually a series of global themes by vinceliuice, consisting of four variants...
Graphite notably has a rather monochromatic aesthetic, especially with the regular light and dark variants. This could potentially aid some people with focusing on the app content. Additionally, the neutral colour schemes of Graphite Light and Dark can also help artists and other visual creatives with colour balancing work through having neutral grey interfaces everywhere. Another distinguishing aspect of Graphite is the thick window outline, which cleanly delineates windows from each other.