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LLM630 Compute Kit with Wi-Fi 6, GbE, and LLM Support for Edge AI

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PocketBeagle 2 Offers Compact Design with AM6232 Processor

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The Puppetmaster and the Lapdogs: How Abusive Outlaws Attack Women and GNU/Linux Communities

posted by Rianne Schestowitz on Sep 18, 2023,
updated Sep 18, 2023

My original plan for this article was to dissect each paragraph which I wrote in my last blog post (A Poem For The Social Justice Warrior Wannabes). I have now got a somewhat changed version of this original plan, so instead I'm going to summarise the poem and retrofit it into four sentences in the best way that I can do that. The people who are covered here and have been covered since the beginning (all blogs previously posted can be found in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) are:

  1. Claiming to be Social Justice Warriors.
  2. Serial liars, defamers, and hypocrites.
  3. Bad people. They are basically mobsters - militants, rioters, trolls, and criminals.
  4. The great projectors - unemployed, suffering burn-out, epic pretenders, and yet constantly maligning and/or poor-shaming productive people

Again I want to use the same analogy which I mentioned here once before:

"I'm married to a trans person so I think I have this magic card I can play where I accuse anyone who notices my horrendously shitty and documented damaging actions a transphobe"

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Just like the puppetmaster, "gas the jews" DrAxe Garrett. Gulagboy (DrKnife Garrett) together with his attack dog [Name Redacted] (the loser) [Name Redacted] are working in coordination; the pathetic losers and jobless individuals are working like a mob. Desperate to sue Roy Schestowitz (Techrights) to garnish some money. Do you really believe you can just drag your Ontario law any way you want? If so, you are a completely deranged freak.

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

I need to have a good cover and a great escape to evade the authority. Transformation is the key. Lovely idea you got there. That's why you use TOR - so you can completely troll Techrights 24/7:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

While shaming Richard Stallman at the same time.

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

You are even boasting that you trolled RMS. Well, not anymore. Richard Stallman is already aware of your activities together with your puppetmaster ("kill the jews" DrKnife Garrett).

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Another transphobic example from [Name Redacted] (the loser) [Name Redacted]. One thing is for sure - and I know you are unemployed, so is this just some of your ego-feeding ways of showing you are practising as a paralegal?

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

How could it possibly be, you don't even have the credibility. You are a running, runaway criminal. A Social Justice Warrior wannabe, a parasite hiding and using the community you are claiming to be part of. Police don't put handcuffs on random people, officers put cuffs on you, so it's rather revealing; you have done illegal stuff or committed a crime.

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

These people will keep doing this and they're repeating the same tactics and style, demoralising or supposedly 'destroying' people for merely thinking differently. The saddest fact is that you have no clue or awareness that the less tolerant side/person is the one who is more likely to hurt people. Those are actual people, just like you, who just cannot stand the idea that other people could think differently. You could just stop projecting your own biased feelings onto other people. Instead you'd rather pound your chest and hate on others, damaging their careers because like a 5-year-old you just didn't get your way. And as your fake SJW wannabe fellows show in public, they like to say to anyone who disagrees with them, "F**k **f."

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

As the Abuse Online DB (TAODB) explains regarding the 3 classes of actors in a smear campaign below, there are some pertaining to Garrett himself:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

This also has the strategic disposition of involving 3rd parties who will have both motivation for and experience campaigning against what is described by the false aspects of his claims, them not necessarily being aware they are false, and exemplifies why this serial defamer is such a dangerous element left unchecked in the communities he participates in. Additionally, this type of behaviour, when serial, unfortunately detracts from the credibility of legitimate claims to that cause.

At the time of this writing, almost every instance of defamation in TAODB by Matthew Garrett and those linked with him involves this very theme.

As previously written about in other publications around the nature of smear campaigns, some types of serial defamers tend to gravitate to socially empowered platforms in order to both encite mobs and to avoid accountability for their behaviour.

Perhaps it’s the best he can do.

Playing victim and looking for sympathy is the game, followed by trolling and flooding as part of all sorts of attacks, implemented in every possible way. In reality they are not the victim. I am the victim, whereas they are just attacking a woman who never even had an interaction with this mobster. Misogynist and lunatic an individual, he seeks to enforce his twisted worldviews by harassment and humiliation (sexual harassment), hate crimes, and all sorts of abuse you can only ever imagine - as only an insane person is capable of doing this with a straight face.

Let's examine some instances.

Humiliating Rianne:

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Channels in IRC (public) were crude sexual descriptions of me and there was also one user called riannes_vibrator:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

There were many other offensive, obscene usernames. I was subjected to harassment despite not being active in this network. It was being vandalised, usually by sexual intimidation.

Here's the thing: since you have a fetish for vibrators, it clearly shows your sexual life boils down to zero because you only have vibrators, the only tool you can use. I have a proposal: how about sticking a "riannes vibrator" in your puppetmaster gulagboy "gas the jews" DrAxe Garrett's stinky ass, then pull it out and stick it in the mouth of the other attack dogs. [Name Redacted] (the loser) [Name Redacted] and Immibis, a.k.a. imbillsbitch, SolidGoldMagikarp, and TwistedPersonality—isn't it sweet? Let's make it sweeter the second time around. I'll stick the "riannes vibrator" in each of [Name Redacted] (the loser) [Name Redacted] and Immibis's asses, pull it out and stick it back into your puppetmaster, "kill the jews," DrKnife Garrett's mouth. That is a brilliant idea! Savouring each other's dirty and stinky asses. How do you feel now? You all started this crazy game; you think I am incapable of playing or defending against your lunatic mind?

Another example of puppetmaster "kill the jews" DrKnife Garrett's militant ape:

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

These mobsters are racist as well:

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Hate crime/racism:

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

The militants and rioters hailing are Unabomber, a notorious domestic terrorist:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Stabbing Sprees e.g. knife. See the mobsters' aggressiveness:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Shaming RMS:

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

The real freedom fighters are their targetted enemies. Inciting the group (LGBTQ) to attack the freedom fighters while they are talking about sex in the channel. These Social Justice Warrior wannabes are attacking gays as well:

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

There are still many more examples like these (many hundreds of examples in my files), but I just wanted to show enough. That's only few of them in the meantime. This might be too much for the the puppetmaster gulagboy ("gas the jews" DrAxe Garrett) and the apes to handle, it's either they are constipating or having diarrhea. To be honest I don't really care and don't give a s**t, they deserve whatever suffering they have now. You reap what you sow.

Gulagboy Garrett is not mad, but very very mad :-) He worries that his family, friends and relatives in England will find out what he is doing in his spare time and working hours. Do not worry, your name appears in Gulag search already, along with your ape [Name Redacted] (the loser) [Name Redacted]. :-)

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

You are harassing me using your sockpuppets together with your savage dogs. You expect me to throw bread at you while you are throwing stones at me? No, dude, I'll say this to you: If you throw stones at me I'm gonna throw rocks at you. So F**k Y**.

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

By the way, for your peace of mind: I also reported you to the police for hate crimes and many more things. I have the police reference number and the case is still open, it is being actively investigated. :-)

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Burn-out "gas the jews" DrKnife Matt Gulag. He doesn't know what to do with his life.

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

"kill the jews" DrKnife Garrett talking about his death and even holding a gun, that's kind of... weird.

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

See the effect/s of burn-out? This person loses his mind. The apes trolling the Techrights IRC channels with the puppetmaster's approval. Savage attitude deserves savage treatment.

Burn-out can cause doxing as well, Matt Gulag is everywhere in the channels, plus he's joined by his attack dogs. Spying and watching Techrights IRC channels closely. Very productive life indeed. I'm going to make a separate bit of coverage or blog post regarding the doxing. Doxing is considered a serious crime here in the UK.

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

No, he doesn't work for free. Microsoft is paying him to sabotage GNU/Linux.

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

More Microsoft works and inviting Microsoft employees to his cabin:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Too much drugs or high on cocaine... the crackhead's hallucination?

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Poor-shaming people. The cheapskate can't fix a thing. It needs a professional plumber, but the great pretender Jack-of-all-trades (but master of none!) with a Ph.D. in Axe and Knife refuses not to:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

The serial liar and defamer, defaming people as always and forever. This video of "gas the jews" DrAxe Garrett shows him heavily sniffing. Time stop at 3:47-49, 7:28, 7:36, 8:41, 9:21, 18:32, 19:57, 22:00, 23:22, 24:45, 25:08, 25:44, 28:09 to witness the endless sniffing.

You sniff like a hundred times in your talk, so are you on drugs or you just having a cold (or both)? The shirt says: "I would never do cybercrime". Oh, really? Spending 3 to 4 years in the IRC networks and channels spying on Roy Schestowitz to look for 'dirt' so that you can take him down somehow... that's your hobby in collaboration with your boring, loser and criminal attack dogs? In the video, go to 26:47, right after he talks about monitoring the scooters being shipped around the world. He points out some of the people he was watching and how one of them had the pattern of a drug dealer riding around on a scooter. Excellent job! The "personal project" of burn-out "kill the jews" DrKnife Garrett.

Oh, by the way, they also love to hijack names of existing and long-time members:

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

The very lowest of the lows. Inside the mind of the lunatics when all of them (or their sockpuppets) got banned from the IRC channels.

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Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Impersonation is just one of the many resorts:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Alex Oliva's latest article appears to have struck the nerves of Matt Gulag:

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

Offensive messages from anti-Free software militants

The tuberculosis guy, "gas the jews" DrKnife Garrett, can't prevent himself from opening his smelly big mouth. They are going to cancel Stallman until his death. When someone holding opinions you don't like is not "abuse" (they just merely have different opinion from) you and your ilk just need to respect it, as it's called free speech. Do not condemn people if you think they refuse to use the correct pronouns that you want to convey them to use. You are becoming militant, enforcing rules that do even exist. Crazy people like you and your collaborators are doing crazy things at the same time. Gulagboy ("kill the jews" DrKnife Garrett) tries to defame people who actually do productive work on the kernel while he fills it with Microsoft garbage. Matt Gulag's lasting legacy will be to be remembered as a universally shitty person. Stay tuned for the next blog post.

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