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Celebrating 2024 year-end campaign

The onion layers have peeled back, and we are thrilled to announce that the Tor community has reached its 2024 year-end fundraising campaign goal. This achievement is a direct result of the community's collective efforts and the incredible support from Power Up Privacy.


(Updated) SolidRun HummingBoard i.MX8M IIOT SBC with NVMe, RS232, RS485, and LTE Support

SolidRun has launched a single-board computer tailored for Industrial Internet of Things and Human-Machine Interface applications, built around the i.MX8M Plus System-on-Module from NXP. Its carrier board includes features like RS232, RS485, dual CAN-FD, and dual 1Gb Ethernet and more.

SpacemiT X60 RISC V Processor Enables AI and High Speed Storage in Bit Brick K1 Embedded Board

The Bit-Brick K1 is a single-board computer designed for industrial and edge computing applications. It features the SpacemiT Key Stone K1, an ultra-low-power octa-core RISC-V system-on-chip with SpacemiT Daoyi AI acceleration. Built on the RISC-V 64GCVB architecture and RVA22 standard, the processor delivers 2.0TOPS of AI computing power using customized RISC-V instructions optimized for TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow, and ONNX Runtime.

Silicon Labs-Based XIAO MG24 Series Expands with New Pre-Soldered and Multi-Pack Versions

Seeed Studio has expanded its XIAO MG24 and XIAO MG24 Sense development board lineup with new variants, including pre-soldered versions and 3PCS packs. These additions provide more flexibility for developers working on IoT and Matter-based projects, streamlining prototyping and small-scale production.


Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS Is Now Available for Download Powered by Linux Kernel 6.11

Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS is here six months after Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS as an up-to-date installation media for those who wish to deploy the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) operating system on new computers without having to download hundreds of updated packages from the repositories after the installation.

Mesa 25.0 Linux Graphics Stack Brings Vulkan 1.4 Support on RADV, ANV, and NVK

Highlights of Mesa 25.0 include Vulkan 1.4 support for the RADV (AMD), ANV (Intel), NVK (NVIDIA), Turnip (Qualcomm), Asahi (Apple), and Lavapipe (software) drivers, support for Vulkan 1.1, shaderInt16, shaderInt64, imageCubeArray, depthClamp, depthBiasClamp, drawIndirectFirstInstance, sampleRateShading, and occlusionQueryPrecise for the PanVK (Mali) driver, and initial GFX12 (RDNA4) support for the RADV driver.

Matthew J. Garrett Calls Himself Dr. Axe and Dr. Knife, Fetishises Threats of Violence and Objectifies Women

posted by Rianne Schestowitz on Aug 18, 2023,
updated Aug 18, 2023

A week ago I had prepared, written, and then published an article; it was my very first blog post -- a post concerning the abuse I had experienced online despite being inactive there, i.e. not at all a participant in the Techrights IRC channels. None of them! I wonder why I became the target and eventually the subject of the hate crimes. What have I done to deserve that and to get humiliated in this manner? It is probably because I am connected to and happen to be the wife of Roy Schestowitz (the person who runs Techrights and who also runs an IRC network along with the website). It's an outspoken place where online trolls are constantly lurking around, working tirelessly to destroy the community (especially the IRC channels), vandalise the site Techrights, and at the same time they're doing everything they can to wage a personal attack against my husband, so by all means I too must suffer. This operation is unacceptable and not to be tolerated. There isn't any single written law to convey this act but several laws; only criminals, sociopaths, and psychopaths are doing this kind of thing, an act of exploitation of weak enforcement and a spirit of free speech.

Matthew J. Garrett, a.k.a elusive_woman, has maliciously and mercilessly abused this innocent woman:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Yes, I am talking of my mother-in-law. There were lots of other disgusting examples. I have many more in my list of files, but I chose not to show them here anymore, mostly out of respect to a senior, a mother and a grandmother who has nothing to do with all this.

Unlike the narcissist Matthew J. Garrett, who seems and talks like he doesn't respect women in general, some people have feelings and fundamental dignity. This person viciously hates women, as in his latest defamatory article Matthew J. Garrett uses a photo of two ladies, perhaps a pair of relatives (aunt and niece; they look similar to Mr. Garrett anyway). Matthew J. Garrett accused my husband of abandonment; there were more crazy and totally fabricated stories. Nobody has read and believed Matthew J. Garrett's manufactured stories, adding to his desperation. So Mr. Garrett thinks he now needs to send the defamatory articles to the people in the IRC channels through direct messaging. This has gone on for over a week already, several times per day, using many sockpuppets accounts. Try harder, Mr. Garrett, your old tricks and tactics don't work anymore, since people already know who you truly are. What goes around comes around. Your (bad) karma is slowly catching up on you. You don't even spare Linus Torvalds from your sickening mania:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

What a disgusting human being you are, Mr. Garrett. You are a shame to any company, university, and FOSS community. Look what you have done to yourself: From Ph.D./Dr. to "DrKnife", "DrPhil" and "DrAxe" -- that's what the psychopath Matthew J. Garrett calls himself, so I'm going to start attaching that to his name, as I'm sure DrAxe Matthew J. Garrett will be flattered, be it another addition to his portfolio of egomaniacal abuse.

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

He is even justifying it by posting a video:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Next he became DrPhil:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

And lastly DrAxe (he has a fetish for murdering with an axe):

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Drugs, alcohol, and violence always worked for Mr. Garrett too. The two sockpuppets confirmed that:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Declaring his genius (fake) and four-kilo bag of cocaine. What a brilliant idea right there, Mr. Garrett.

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Wanting to legalise extremely harmful and illegal drugs too. There are more examples coming:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

At a later point I'll share more examples.

I am still baffled as to why he keeps using women. So tell me, mister, is it because you are desperate to get one and you can't have one for yourself, eh Mr. Garrett? Fantasising about it is the last recourse:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

The current woman Drknife Matthew J. Garrett uses is Amelia, huh! Amelia the Doll? Make sure you don't leave Amelia behind, as Chukie (the child play) doesn't like it. It looks like Mr. Garrett is a fan of dolls and girls. He has got sockpuppets called "cocaine_barbie", "cocaine_babie", "elusive_woman" and now Amelia. Would you like to add Natalie Portman too? I've heard that you would like to sniff a line of cocaine off of Natalie Portman's 15-year-old ass (sounds like you are a pedophile and by the way you also look like a pedophile). I can prove that; I took a screenshot. This person has the desire to have a woman, but no woman has the desire to be with DrAxe Matthew J. Garrett, the incel, transphobic loser, and psychopath who lives in the cabin in some forest (I believe I can prove this too), perhaps isolating himself because he has been thrown out from the bus. DrKnife Matthew J. Garrett became a liability to the handler/s so they've left him behind like a cat's paws. Mr. Garrett became useless and irrelevant; a person of no use, but we don't have to worry because he still has the company of cocaine_babie and cocaine_barbie whenever he wants to have a session or snort the cocaine. By the way, I need to mention that DrAxe Matthew J. Garrett claims to be an "M Anon" in his trolling. So the hallucination never ends; he counts himself and 100+ sockpuppets like a battalion ready to attack...more heroin needed here. :-)

Weeks ago I said this to him in an IRC channel: "Matt, I think you need to get a job yourself, a sane person won't waste time pestering other people's life." I want to repeat and keep saying it here because for all I know he is watching Techrights/Tux Machines closely like a Peeping Tom. Just like one of his sockpuppet ("whitenigga") spying on the channel:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Strike two.

Mr. Garrett, by the way, got busted for the first time here:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

DrKnife Matthew J. Garrett, a.k.a elusive_woman, dropping off the IRC network at exactly the same time. For those who are new here and to those who want to catch up with this series of DrAxe Matthew J. Garrett, you can read it here or at Techrights.

In another instance, "whitenigga" again came out of nowhere:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

And then mjg59_ (DrKnife Matthew J. Garrett) used the same word, "Albino":

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Oh yeah, what a coincidence... just about a half-an-hour interval... enough time for Mr. Garrett to shift from one entity to a different entity. What are you, schizophrenic, or are you having multiple personalities?

The narcissist DrAxe Mattthew J. Garrett ones again doing what's illegal with his hate crime. His remark about me being "mail order bride" and a victim of human trafficking. What an absolute freak:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

I just want to remind the readers of the many sockpuppets whom DrAxe Matthew J. Garrett used to disguise himself as. Examples Of DrAxe Matthew J. Garrett's sockpuppets are "Unabomber" and "Cocaine_Barbie". Those are some of the latest that he chose after he was kicked and banned from the Techrights IRC channels. There will be more sockpuppet names in the next blog post:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

These are the oldest sockpuppets, leveraged when DrKnife Matthew J. Garrett just started trolling the channels (names included "Nosecandy", "dope_dealer", "eightballz", and "gangster_og"). In the screenshots you will see how all these sockpuppets were handled by one person. Doing drugs, insists on legalising those drugs, and playing with knives.

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

He's introducing himself for the first time. Here we go:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

On legalising drugs:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

I don't have to wonder anymore. I no longer ask myself why Mr. Garrett has all the time in the world to personally attack Roy Schestowitz, not just in the Techrights IRC channel but fictitious new blogs, other channels, direct messages, and so on. The miserable DrKnife Matthew J. Garrett is having a burnout, in his very own words:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Apparently dismantling Techrights and destroying all the thing Roy Schestowitz has is his "personal projects". Like I said in the first blog post, DrAxe Matthew J. Garrett'ss "ultimate goal" is to cancel people or entities that are hampering or blocking his malevolent plan of action. Also, Mr. Garrett is consciously aware that his vengeful action will come to an end. As the man says here, in his words:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

There you go. You caught the fish in the mouth, not on its tail. DrKnife Matthew J. Garrett stands for nothing but his ego; even he himself would rather be someone other than Matthew J. Garrett, but alas he'll still have to live with who he truly is.

I don't want to bore readers with long articles and negative vibes, so this will be all for now and for the avid readers and followers of Tux Machines and Techrights here are some bonuses. Fancy some of DrAxe Matthew J. Garrett's hate crimes, racial/weird jokes, and his ever-so-famous line "missing out"?

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Stay tuned for the third blog post where DrKnife Matthew J. Garrett, a.k.a elusive_woman, talks about living in the forest\cabin, perhaps another coincidence.. nah! They became sloppy. Deluded minds can't think straight, can no longer keep track of all their lies and the deceiving moves/act they committed.

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