today's howtos
My own magic-wormhole relay, for zippier transfers
I first attempted to do this over SSH using scp and rsync, but for some reason (even though both computers could get 940 Mbps up and down to speedtest or Cloudflare), that maxed out around 312 Mbps (about 39 MB/s). I even tunneled iperf3 through SSH and could only get a maximum around 400 Mbps. I'm not sure if it was something on the ISP level (either Bell Canada or AT&T throttling non-HTTP traffic?), but the CPU on both machines was only hitting 10-13% max, so I don't think it was an inherent limitation of SSH encryption.
De Facto Ports
Most applications communicate over a TCP or UDP port. Ports 0-1023 are usually privileged and require administrator or superuser access to bind a network socket to an IP with the corresponding port. But anything over 1024 is up for grabs. IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) can “reserve” ports for specific applications — but this is only a formality; users and applications are free to use whatever port they wish.
Unix is both a technology and an idea
The ideas of Unix are not just about how things work; they're also about how people should interact with the system. For example, consider Rob Pike's thread about the Unix file model over on the Fediverse, which is at its core all about how people interact with 'files', rather than how the technology works. The ideas of Unix admit a wide variety of ways to interact with Unix, not necessarily through a command line, but the ideas tend to shine through all of them; see, for example, Russ Cox's "A Tour of Acme" (YT). I suspect you can readily see various Unix ideas in GUI form in Acme, although it's a GUI program.
50+ Commonly Used Kubectl Commands for Managing Kubernetes Clusters
Kubectl is a command-line utility in Kubernetes used to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. You can use it to perform a wide range of tasks, including deploying applications/microservices, viewing and managing resources, inspecting log files, and so much more.
In this tutorial, we feature commonly used kubectl commands for managing a Kubernetes (K8S) cluster.