Tux Machines Officially Abandons Third Party Sites/Networks (Twitter, Mastodon, Diaspora), Please Use RSS and IRC Instead
THE Web site Tux Machines is turning 19 very shortly. It expanded to Gemini (with GemText and Gemini Protocol) last year and it's doing very well. Uptime improved and the style of posting improves over time, e.g. links contained inside the cited/quoted portions. We expect further improvements by the time the site turns 20.
Tux Machines has also reached the conclusion that social control media is a waste of time (all off it: Twitter, Mastodon, Diaspora et cetera). It is mostly a waste of time trying to 'fix' it time each time APIs change. Accordingly, no more updates will be published except in this site, the Gemini capsule, and the respective RSS feeds (for Gemini and for the Web).
To be clear, we still have IRC for social interactions in real time. We advise readers who want real-time updates and feedback to join us in IRC, not "follow" us in some external site that we do not and cannot control.