today's leftovers
2023-03-10 Felix Hacker: #86 New Decoding
2023-03-10 KDE Gear 23.04 branches created
Warp is a File Transfer App for Linux & Windows
Using Warp is no-fuss: open Warp on one computer and drag/drop a file or folder to transfer, and take note of the text code/QR code. Open Warp (or a compatible app) on another device, enter the text code/scan the QR code and the transfer takes place.
You can transfer files from Linux to Windows; Linux to Linux; Windows to Linux; or Linux to Android using a compatible app.
2023-03-09 Adventures in REPL implementation
Discovering one bug after another in the UTF-8 decoding logic in OpenBSD, then going on to fix other aspects of related code.
Still, the debugging process we went through here to discover the cause of the problems in the first place is worth sharing from the beginning, as the code in question was particularly bad with plenty of textbook mistakes. Who knows what you might find in your own investigations elsewhere.
2023-03-09 The Linux Link Tech Show Episode 995