Programming Leftovers
NSA’s Plea: Stop Using C and C++ (Because You’re Idiots) [Ed: Clickbait headline from a total jerk; aside from that, the NSA wants software to have holes in it, so what is the motivation for such a remark?]
Ian Jackson: Stop writing Rust linked list libraries!
Don’t write a Rust linked list library: they are hard to do well, and usually useless.
Use VecDeque, which is great. If you actually need more than VecDeque can do, use one of the handful of libraries that actually offer a significantly more useful API.
If you are writing your own data structure, check if someone has done it already, and consider slotmap or generation_arena, (or maybe Rc/Arc).
Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Mapping Scalars to Functions
In just over a year, I've written three posts for this blog about functionals, specifically about their application to probability theory [LINK], finding their stationary points [LINK], and the use of their stationary points in classical mechanics [LINK]. As a reminder, a functional is an object that maps a space of functions to a space of numbers. This got me thinking about what the reverse, namely an object that maps a space of numbers to a space of functions, looks like. To be clear, this is not the same as an ordinary function which, as an element in a space of functions, maps a space of numbers to a space of numbers.
As I thought about it more, I realized that this is a bit easier to understand and therefore more commonly encountered than a functional. An extremely glib way to describe such an object is a function of multiple variables. However, it may be more enlightening to describe this in further detail to avoid potentially deceptive images that may arise from that glib description.
How easy works part-1 rewritten
I have rewritten many tutorial pages that were way out of date. Today, the "How Easy works" part-1, has been completely rewritten. The last update was in 2018, so much was wrong in it.
Not just that, it also contained technical details, such as excerpts from the 'init' script in the initrd, that probably just obfuscated what was attempting to be explained.
PHP version 8.0.26RC1 and 8.1.13RC1 - Remi's RPM repository - Blog
Release Candidate versions are available in testing repository for Fedora and Enterprise Linux (RHEL / CentOS / Alma / Rocky and other clones) to allow more people to test them. They are available as Software Collections, for a parallel installation, perfect solution for such tests, and also as base packages.