Raspberry Pi and SeeedStudio
Banana Pi PicoW Takes On Raspberry Pi Pico | Tom's Hardware
The Raspberry Pi Pico (opens in new tab) form factor is one that’s just begging to be copied, but Banana Pi has gone one better and borrowed the name, too. The BPI-PicoW-S3, brought to our attention by CNX Software (opens in new tab), is a new microcontroller board that features an ESP32-S3 dual-core chip, plus Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Scientists Create AI-Powered Laser Turret That Kills Cockroaches
This is a follow-up of sorts to earlier projects, in which he used a Raspberry Pi and lasers to zap mosquitoes. However, for this project, Rakhmatulin used a different kind of computer which allowed for more precision in detecting the bug.
Sparky news 2022/09 – SparkyLinux
Anyway, a RaspberryPi 3 or 4 or newer which can boot arm64 OS is required, to make sure it works fine (build in progress). So, if you have such device you don’t need any more, let me know that and send me it out, please.
Using SenseCraft firmware for no-code programming with Wio Terminal - CNX Software
It did not take long, as SeeedStudio very recently released the first version of SenseCraft open source smart sensor software for no-code sense, process, and uplink that happens to be compatible with the Wio Terminal part of the SenseCAP K1100 development kit. So let’s test the new SenseCraft firmware together.