today's howtos
Two Approaches to Prompt Engineering
Two approaches to generating well-crafted prompts that output great images with large language models.
Generating an EPUB File in the Browser
I originally planned on having the “Export to EPUB” functionality be a serverless function (hosted on Netlify) because I assumed generating an EPUB from HTML would be work that I could only do on the server. I tried using epub-gen, which is built to work with Node, but quickly found a problem: generating an ebook sometimes took longer than 10 seconds, which (at the time) was the limit for executing a lambda function.
SSH MITM at Best Western
I'm currently staying in a Best Western hotel in Eureka, CA, avoiding the Bay Area heat wave, and I noticed something remarkable: the hotel's free WiFi network performs automatic man-in-the-middle interception of all SSH traffic. I've literally never seen this before on public WiFi… Check it out: [...]
So your designer wants stuff to overlap
Throughout these 9 years, I have encountered quite a good number of designs that involve overlapping elements.
Keep in mind that everything on the web is boxes, quadrilateral boxes (i.e. having 4 straight sides), to be precise. Boxes stacked atop boxes next to boxes nested within boxes.
Performance Comes Last
Of course, for low-level libraries, performance often is the product. But, even then, protocols don't always win because of performance (working code is often better than a draft by a standards committee).
New Post: Safety and Liveness Properties
One I had to implement recently was an open-ended interval. A start integer could be defined, or an end integer, or both. If only a start was defined, then the interval contains all numbers ≥ the starting point, and similarly with the end point. So the invariants were: [...]
How To Use Variables in Bash Script (Simple Guide)
In this guide, we will cover how to use variables in bash script.
How to install Yarn on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Linux
Yarn is an open-source package manager and an alternative to the NPM package manager for the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment. It was developed by Facebook in collaboration with Google, Tilde, and Expo Dev. As compared to NPM, Yarn can install packages from the local cache to speed up the process, binds versions strongly, uses a checksum to ensure data integrity, and can install packages in parallel. Well, Yarn is an NPM-compatible package manager, hence we can manage npm packages using it as well.
The yarn was developed to solve consistency, security, and performance problems with large codebases.
Automate network testing with this open source Linux tool | Enable Sysadmin
TCP/IP networking is a complex topic, and it gets really tricky when you are trying to nail down issues with performance or troubleshoot a problem. It helps to have tools that can probe your system and confirm your suspicions or—better yet—that there are no problems.