BSD Leftovers
August Foundation Fundraising Update | FreeBSD Foundation
First, I’d like to send a big thank you to everyone who gave a financial contribution to our efforts this year! We are 100% funded by your donations, so every contribution helps us continue to support FreeBSD in many ways, including some of the work funded and published in this newsletter.
Our goal this year is to raise at a minimum $1,400,000 towards a spending budget of around $2,000,000. As I write this report, we’ve brought in under $200,000 towards that goal. So, we definitely have a long way to go. However, instead of focusing on our fundraising efforts, we’d much rather spend our precious time talking to folks in our community on how we can help you. We’d much rather help create content to recruit more users and contributors to the Project, and we would most certainly rather spend time understanding challenges and pain points that individuals and organizations have in using FreeBSD, so we can help improve those areas. Asking you for money to invest into the continued success of the Project is not on that list, but the reality is, it’s the only way we can fund the above efforts!
In Other BSDs for 2022/08/27
BSD Now 470: 0mp interview - DragonFly BSD Digest
This is a different than usual episode of BSD Now: an interview of Mateusz Piotrowski.