Videos: SCaLE 19x, Goodbye Microsoft Defender, Automations Gone Wrong, and Steam Deck
SCaLE 19x: The openSUSE Edition - Invidious
Learn Linux TV's coverage of SCaLE 19x continues with this episode. This time around, Jay recounts more of the event itself. In addition, Jay has a discussion with Drew Adams regarding openSUSE.
Goodbye Microsoft Defender - Invidious
Windows Defender can be a massive drain on system performance and often can have a lot of false positives.
Automations Gone Wrong | Self-Hosted 77
What is it like to live with another man’s automations? Brent spills all.
Plus, Chris tries out a few more Shelly devices and reports back.
Logitech's gaming handheld is the worst idea this year. (Plus Steam Deck news) - Invidious