GNU/Linux Applications: apt Clean Up Utilities, Libvirt 11.0.0, Bottles 51.18, Stacer, and More
HowTo Geek ☛ Remember These 5 apt Clean Up Utilities for Your Next Spring Cleaning
If space is getting tight on your Ubuntu system drive, try these commands to find and automatically remove unnecessary installation files. It only takes a moment, and it recovers valuable hard drive real estate.
LWN ☛ Libvirt v11.0.0 released
Version 11.0.0 of the libvirt virtualization API has been released. Notable changes in this release include the ability to export virtiofs filesystems in read-only mode, the addition of support for vlan tagging and trunking of network interfaces with the network, qemu, and lxc drivers, as well as a number of bug fixes.
Linux Handbook ☛ LHB GNU/Linux Digest #25.01: Free GNU/Linux Course, ListMonk, File Descriptors and More
Let's continue Linux-ing in 2025
Linuxiac ☛ Bottles 51.18 Released with Enhanced User Experience
Bottles 51.18, a compatibility layer for running backdoored Windows apps on Linux, brings UI enhancements, CLI fixes, better file pickers, and more.
Cyber Security News ☛ Linux Rsync File Transfer Tool Vulnerability Let Attackers Execute Arbitrary Code
Security researchers have uncovered six critical vulnerabilities in rsync, a widely used file synchronization and transfer tool for Linux systems. The most severe flaw could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on machines running rsync servers with just anonymous read access.
ZDNet ☛ How to keep Linux optimized (and save time) with Stacer
In most cases, I'm not a big fan of "optimizers." This is especially true with mobile operating systems and Windows. But with Linux, most optimizers are apps you can count on to do exactly what they claim.
According to the Stacer website, "Stacer is an open source system optimizer and application monitor that helps users to manage entire system with different aspects, it's an all in one system utility."