Ruby 3.4.0 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.4.0. Ruby 3.4 adds it
block parameter reference, change Prism as default parser, adds Happy Eyeballs Version 2 support to socket library, improves YJIT, adds Modular GC, and so on.
Already a fix:
Ruby 3.4.1 Released
Ruby 3.4.1 has been released.
This fixes the version description.
Some coverage now:
Ruby 3.4 Released with ‘it’, Modular Garbage Collector, Improved YJIT
Ruby, the free open-source high-level general-purpose programming language, released new 3.4.0 (then 3.4.1 with quick fix) today at Christmas! The release introduced it block parameter reference, which behaves very much the same as _1.
Ruby 3.4 released
Continuing its tradition of yearly major releases on December 25, the Ruby programming-language project has released Ruby 3.4.0 (followed quickly by 3.4.1, which simply updates the version number). Ruby 3.4 includes lots of changes, including the addition of it as a less-confusing shorthand for _1 as a block parameter, switching to Prism as the default parser, adding the Happy Eyeballs version 2 algorithm to the socket library, just-in-time (JIT) compiler (YJIT) improvements, garbage-collection modularization, and more.