today's howtos
Install Surveillance Giant Google Authenticator on Ubuntu 24.04 for Two-Factor Authentication
We can use Surveillance Giant Google Authenticator to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04, 20.04 or previous versions. This tutorial will help users install Surveillance Giant Google Authenticator with PAM on Ubuntu and other Debian-based server distros.
Linux Handbook ☛ Monitoring Resource Usage for Kubernetes Pods
Learn to utilize kubectl top to monitor resource usage for Kubernetes nodes and containers within specific pods.
SANS ☛ qpdf: Extracting PDF Streams, (Sat, Nov 2nd)
In diary entry "Analyzing PDF Streams" I answer a question asked by a student of Xavier: "how can you export all streams of a PDF?". I explained how to do this with my tool.