Red Hat Official and Red Hat Puff Pieces
Silicon Angle ☛ AI accessibility in focus: Red Hat’s strategy to democratize artificial intelligence [Ed: Here come buzzword puff pieces about Red Hat, sponsored by Red Hat (conflict of interest, fake "journalism")]
As artificial intelligence continues to gain prominence, a pressing question emerges: how can Hey Hi (AI) be made more user-friendly and accessible? Red Bait Inc. is at the forefront of addressing this challenge, striving to enhance Hey Hi (AI) accessibility by simplifying its deployment and making it more adaptable across diverse industries.
Red Hat Official ☛ ANSSI-BP-028 security recommendations updated to version 2.0
The first version of BP-028 was published in 2015. Red Hat introduced Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) content covering this version of recommendations in RHEL 7.9.7 and RHEL 8.5. After a series of minor changes, a major update of the guide, marked as version 2.0, was released in October 2022. We have concluded updating RHEL ANSSI SCAP profiles to align them with the latest version of the security recommendations.
Red Hat Official ☛ Red Hat Summit in review: Maximizing value with Red Hat Technical Account Management
If you couldn't join us in person, here are a few of the key takeaways about how a TAM can contribute to your team: [...]
Silicon Angle ☛ Dell simplifies on-prem OpenShift operations using Apex Cloud [Ed: Red Hat-sponsored SPAM from a "media partner"]
In coping with the barrage of tools companies rely on, simplification has become the contemporary operating ideology. The modern-day focus is making complex technologies more accessible and manageable for enterprises.
Red Hat Official ☛ Learn OpenShift Virtualization: 7 training resources to help you get started
Get started with OpenShift Virtualization
Red Hat Official ☛ Creating a Web Application Firewall in Red Hat OpenShift
A WAF is a Layer 7 capability that protects applications against some types of web-based attacks, including but not limited to Cross Site Request Forgery (CRSF), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL injection (for a more comprehensive list of all known web based attacks, see here). Unfortunately, OpenShift does not have these capabilities included within the default ingress router, and as a result, alternate solutions must be pursued.
Red Hat Official ☛ Automating secrets management with HashiCorp Vault and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
HashiCorp Vault is a powerful tool for managing secrets, providing a centralized platform for storing, accessing, and distributing sensitive information. When combined with Ansible Automation Platform, you can streamline and automate secret management across your infrastructure. In this blog post, we'll explore how to integrate HashiCorp Vault with Ansible Tower to automate secret management effectively.
Linux Handbook ☛ How to Handle Long Running Tasks in Ansible
Facing timeouts? Here is how you can handle tasks that take a long time to complete in Ansible.