Fediverse Overrun by SPAM
David Revoy ☛ Cleaning spams on Fediverse
The big wave of spams is over? Thank you FediAdmins for doing what you do!
Tedium ☛ Spammy Saturday
A fediverse spam crisis highlights an inherent flaw in the decentralized social networking model: Some people are bad at updating and maintaining their apps.
Manage your Mastodon blocked domains using cURL
I am no Dev and have nearly no clue on how to deal with APIs. But I am a SysAdmin. And where there’s a shell, there’s a way. So those are my notes on how to deal with Mastodon API using shell tools.
During the Fedi Spam Attacks, I started by silencing the few spams I received at the user level. After a few days, I got bored and decided to simply block those faulty instances. Then a Mastodon-DE blocklist pops out and I decided to apply it.
At some point, I had to apply mass-modifications to my blocked list and discovered that the Mastodon Web GUI lacks a whole lot of options. So I decided to go the API way.