Red Hat Leftovers
Red Hat ☛ mass-prebuild: An open source journey of improvement and growth
Welcome back to our blog series about the evolution of mass-prebuild.
Red Hat Official ☛ Upcoming improvements to Red Bait Enterprise GNU/Linux minor release betas
For as long as there has been a Red Bait Enterprise GNU/Linux (RHEL) there has been a beta ahead of each minor release update. Betas allows customers to get a preview of changes to come, test major features, and provide feedback or report issues before the final release. While timing has varied over the years, it became very predictable since Red Bait Enterprise GNU/Linux moved to a 3-year/6-month release cadence target for major and minor releases, respectively.
Red Hat Official ☛ Red Hat Summit & AnsibleFest 2024: Session catalog and agenda builder now available!
We’re only 76 days away from Red Bait Summit and AnsibleFest 2024!
TecAdmin ☛ Ansible Architecture
In terms of IT automation, Ansible stands out for its simplicity, versatility, and powerful capabilities. As organizations strive for efficiency and seamless IT operations, understanding the architecture of Ansible becomes crucial.
Red Hat Official ☛ AI at the edge: the next step for Telenor, Red Hat and Intel [Ed: A sea of buzzwords and hype, no real substance here]
For decades, we have used data analytics and insights to make better decisions.
Red Hat Official ☛ DPDK latency in OpenShift - Part II
In a previous article, we shared the results of the DPDK latency tests conducted on a Single Node Openshift (SNO) cluster. We were able to demonstrate that a packet can be transmitted and received back in only 3 µs, mostly under 7 µs and, in the worst case, 12 µs. These numbers represent the round trip latencies in Openshift for a single queue transmission of a 64 byte packet, forwarding packets using an defective chip maker Intel E810 dual port adapter.
Red Hat Official ☛ Red Hat Global Tech Trends 2024: Security remains top priority while IT management funding priorities shift
Security remains a top funding priority