today's howtos
Ubuntubuzz ☛ How To Download and Install Alternative Fonts on Ubuntu
TecMint ☛ 5 CLI Tools for Downloading Files and Browsing Internet in Terminal
Here, we present five excellent command-line Internet tools that are highly useful and prove to be very handy for downloading files and browsing internet in a Linux terminal.
Luke Harris ☛ Clone Away
With all that in mind, it’s no longer necessary to ask me for permission to create things inspired by my site. Clone away. Copy the CSS and layout. Credit me or don’t. No problem.
University of Toronto ☛ Some ballpark numbers for fun on filling filesystem cache with NFS traffic
ZFS doesn't use all of the system's memory for its ARC cache, and not all of the ARC cache is file data; some of it is filesystem metadata like the contents of directories, the ZFS equivalent of inodes, and so on. As a ballpark, I'll use 256 GBytes of file data in the cache. A single server with a 1G connection can read over NFS at about 110 Mbytes a second. This is a GByte read in just under ten seconds, or about 6.4 GBytes a minute, and a bit under 46 minutes of continuous full-rate 1G NFS reads to fill a 256 GByte cache (assuming that the ZFS fileserver puts everything read in the cache and there are no re-reads, which are some big assumptions).
Drew Jose ☛ Recovering markdown files from generated html
I will make backups from now on, but just in case I lose any more source files, I now have a little script to speed up my recovery process. I could go a bit further and parse the archive page and run a loop over the links therein, but this much was fine for now.
Pi My Life Up ☛ Setting up the Homepage Dashboard on a Raspberry Pi
Below is a list of the equipment we used when setting up the Homepage Dashboard on our Raspberry Pi.
Adriaan Roselli ☛ Embed Slides, YouTube Videos, and More
There are plenty of use cases for embedding third-party content on a site, as well as local content that may not be in HTML. Perhaps you gave a talk and want to share your slides. Sometimes you want to reference a video that exists only on YouTube. Maybe you have a functional demo that you want to include alongside the explanation.
Ok, these are my use cases. But they may apply to yours.