Programming Leftovers
Michael's and Christian's blog ☛ Explain that tidymodels blackbox!
Let’s explain a {tidymodels} random forest by classic explainability methods (permutation importance, partial dependence plots (PDP), Friedman’s H statistics), and also fancy SHAP.
[Old] Time ☛ 20 Years Later, the Y2K Bug Seems Like a Joke—Because Those Behind the Scenes Took It Seriously
It was an issue that everyone was talking about 20 years ago, but few truly understood. “The vast majority of people have absolutely no clue how computers work. So when someone comes along and says look we have a problem…[involving] a two-digit year rather than a four-digit year, their eyes start to glaze over,” says Peter de Jeger, host of the podcast “Y2K: An Autobiography.”
Scott Willsey ☛ Auto-Generated Last Modified Date in Astro
I’m trying to figure out how to use remark plugins in Astro to modify a couple things in posts for me automatically, and along the way I’ve used remark to add a couple quality of life improvements. The first is an auto-generated table of contents for longer posts that I feel need one, and the second is an auto-generated last modified date for pages based on git commit timestamps.
The benefit of an automatically generated last modified date is that I don’t have to remember to update it when I make changes to a page that displays it, like my now page or my links page. I can just commit my changes and the last modified date will update automatically. It’s simple, but it’s kind of beautiful.
Elliot C Smith ☛ How to avoid picking terrible metrics
The only sure fire way I know to change something, is to start by measuring it. That’s true at a personal level for things like a 5k time as well as in a professional setting for SMART goals, OKRs or whatever variant is currently in fashion. While wanting to measure things is easy, picking what to measure is not. You can easily spend months finding the perfect correlation to success but if your metrics are changing every quarter, this is almost certainly a waste of time.
There are three general rules of thumb I use to judge a metric. They all come down to the lifetime of that metric. Some measures are just fine for a quarter but would steer us off track if followed for a year. Conversely some metrics make sense when thinking about a ten year plan but are meaningless on a day to day scale.
Shariq Raza Qadri ☛ Rendering Techniques: SSG, ISR, SSR & Beyond
Static Site Generators such as Jekyll, Hugo, 11ty, Astro, and Next.js have become the go-to choice for setting up a blog or personal site nowadays, partly due to their performance and client-side transition speed.
If you’re unsure about what SSGs are and their place among other rendering techniques in web development, stay with me for a few minutes, and we’ll gain a deeper understanding of their significance together.
Jon Chiappetta: Updates to my mod-nginx-proxy replacement script in Python
So in my quest to replace my modified-nginx network-wide proxy service with a Python script, I was interested to see what kind of performance I could achieve without having to write the whole thing in C this time. So far, the networking performance has been pretty good after I was able to iron out some connection tracking state issues. I then started looking into making it multi-threaded to help manage a large number of connections in parallel and I came across potential limitations related to the Global Interpreter Lock in Python.
Rlang ☛ Optimizing the parameters of the spatial kinetic Ising model to simulate spatial patterns
The spatial kinetic Ising model is a simple model of spatial patterns that can be used to simulate the evolution of spatial patterns over time.
Perl / Raku
Jack Baty ☛ Happily using ZSH again
I moved back to ZSH from Fish Shell a couple days ago and so far I'm quite happy about it. [...]