Review: Lernstick 12
Lernstick is, in my opinion, a rare gem in two distinct ways. It is a rare distribution which appears to be virtually bug free. During my trial almost everything worked - hardware support, games, applications, both Deb and Flatpak package managers, multiple desktop environments, and custom tools. A lot of the credit may be due to the stable Debian base, but even the custom tools seem to all work well. The one exception was GNOME Software, which seems to not be configured properly, but the underlying APT and Flatpak tools did work.
The other aspect of Lernstick I quite like is the distribution has a specific goal and works toward it. This isn't just another distribution spin with some games or custom themes installed. The project aims to provide a portable, flexible, educational and learning environment. Lernstick can be used as a general purpose operating system (it offers a huge collection of open source software) but its focus is being a bring-your-own-system platform which can be used for education, tutorials, and learning games. It performs all of these tasks quite well. Meanwhile, the range of desktop environments and boot options give us a great deal of flexibility.
In short, Lernstick is flexible, highly capable at a range of tasks, well suited to its stated mission, very stable, and it runs flawlessly in my test environments. I'm quite impressed with this portable distribution and how it is suitable both for learning environments and as a general purpose operating system.