LXQt 1.4.0 lightweight Qt Linux desktop environment is here
The LXQt team has officially unveiled LXQt 1.4.0, marking a significant step forward for the “Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment.” This release underscores the team's commitment to providing a sleek yet powerful user interface.
At the heart of this release is the transition to Qt 5.15, the final Long-Term Support (LTS) version of Qt5. This change sets the foundation for the upcoming journey towards Qt6, with the LXQt team expressing a robust resolve to embrace Qt6 in the subsequent release, even if it necessitates a delay.
One of the notable introductions in LXQt 1.4.0 is the lxqt-menu-data that supersedes lxmenu-data to align with the evolving framework requirements. This change reflects a broader move towards optimizing the menu data structure for a more streamlined user experience.