today's leftovers
Sparky GNU/Linux ☛ Spectrum
There is a new application available for Sparkers: Spectrum What is Spectrum? A simple and intuitive console-based music player written in C++. Introducing yet another music player for tech enthusiasts that will simplify the way you experience your favorite tunes!
Steinar H Gunderson ☛ Steinar H. Gunderson: Some defaults I don't understand
I'll rant about just one in mpv today: Why would you not have hardware decoding be default, if it's available? Is that really the best thing for a user who hasn't given a preference?
You should never just copy someone's defaults uncritically, but here is my HTPC's ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf for reference: [...]
Ali Reza Hayati ☛ Stop building web with JavaScript apps
A not-so-new trend in building web sites is to use JavaScript and force users to launch applications in their browsers in order to be able to access a page.
Chris H-C: Eight-Year Moziversary
At the end of my post for my seven-year moziversary, I made some predictions about what was to be and now has been the next year of work. And I got them pretty spot-on: [...]
Daniel Lange ☛ Daniel Lange: Removing the New Event Button from Thunderbird v115 Calendar
Thunderbird in Debian stable (Bookworm) has received Thunderbird v115.3.1 as a security update.
With it comes "Supernova", a UI redesign. There is a Mozilla blogpost with a walk-through of the new UI.
Unfortunately it features a super eye-catching "New Message" button that - thankfully - can be disabled. Even the whole space above the email folder pane can be recovered by disabling the folder pane header at
Burger Menu (☰) -> View -> Folders -> Folder Pane Header
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Tux Digital ☛ 238: Ubuntu Flavours, New Security Bug, GNOME’s New Director & more Linux news
Welcome to This Week in Linux, episode 238. This episode is quite flavorful because we’ll talk about whats new with all the various flavors of Ubuntu 23.10. GNOME announced a new executive director for the GNOME Foundation.