PostgreSQL 16 Released! (UPDATED)
PostgreSQL 16 Released!
September 14, 2023 - The PostgreSQL Global Development Group today announced the release of PostgreSQL 16, the latest version of the world's most advanced open source database.
PostgreSQL 16 raises its performance, with notable improvements to query parallelism, bulk data loading, and logical replication. There are many features in this release for developers and administrators alike, including more SQL/JSON syntax, new monitoring stats for your workloads, and greater flexibility in defining access control rules for management of policies across large fleets.
PostgreSQL 16 Released with Notable Improvements
PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness, scalability, and extensibility. Its various extensions, tools, and support for advanced data types make it a popular choice for web applications, data warehousing, geospatial databases, and more. With the release of PostgreSQL 16, this powerful database system takes another significant leap forward, reinforcing its position as the “world’s most advanced open-source RDBMS.”
So, let’s explore how this new major version elevates the database management experience, making it more robust, efficient, and secure than ever before.
Open-source database PostgreSQL 16 brings performance and scaling enhancements
The developer behind the popular open-source PostgreSQL database software, the PostgreSQL Global Development Group, today announced the release of PostgreSQL 16 that includes enhancements to security, scaling and performance. PostgreSQL is a relational database management system, also known as Postgres, which is free and open source.
PostgreSQL brings more performance, security to open-source database
The open-source PostgreSQL 16 database is out today, adding new features that will help improve performance for all types of workloads, including AI.
PostgreSQL 16 released
Version 16 of the PostgreSQL database manager has been released.
PostgreSQL 16 Released with Notable Improvements
PostgreSQL 16 open-source RDBMS improves performance, logical replication, monitoring, and access control.