Programming Leftovers
Deleted files in a freshly cloned git repo
Conclusion: Don't use special characters, spaces, or emojis in your file names.
What do others do without tests?
How to move the complete Git repository
Git has become the de facto standard for version control and collaboration in software development. At times, developers may need to move an entire Git repository, including its history, branches, and tags, to a new location or hosting service.
Handling Special Characters in Shell Scripts
In Unix and Unix-like operating systems, the shell serves as a command-line interpreter, permitting users to issue commands that the OS will then execute. Among the most popular shell interpreters are Bourne shell (sh), Bash (Bourne Again SHell), and csh (C-shell).
Create Rich Report From Many Sources with pyreports
pyreports is a python library that allows you to create complex report from various sources