Open Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and More
DIY spectrum analyzer is an easy project for beginners
For a spectrum analyzer to work, it needs to be able to break an electrical signal down into a series of frequency ranges. In an audio signal, frequency is pitch. That means that higher frequency ranges correspond to higher notes in the audio. This spectrum analyzer utilizes an MSGEQ7 IC, which is an equalizer filter, to pull seven frequency ranges from an audio signal. It outputs the peak of each band, giving a real-time reading of each band’s amplitude.
What can you buy at our May and June Raspberry Pi pop-up stores?
We will have stock of all Raspberry Pi boards at both the Birmingham and Leeds pop-up stores. This includes incredibly limited numbers of Compute Module 4, which will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis and limited to one per customer. So if you really want a CM4, we advise getting into the queue early on the first day of the pop-up you’re visiting.
ESP32-POE and ESP32-POE now can be ordered with WROVER module with 8MB PSRAM
ESP32-POE and ESP32-POE-ISO are the most popular ESP32 boards with Power over Ethernet features. They are supported by ESPhome, Arduino, MicroPython, PlatformIO and of course Espressif SDK.
The KIM-1 that sounds like Stephen Hawking (or: "jitbanging" DECtalk)
The KIM-1's serial lines are connected to the last and smallest member of Digital Equipment Corporation's true DECtalk hardware speech synthesizers, the 1994 DECtalk Express. The DECtalk's classic default voice heard in this video is Perfect Paul, which (with adjustments) was the voice of Dr Stephen Hawking as produced with the 1988 Speech Plus CallText 5010.
The 15 keys we can read off the KIM's hexadecimal keypad are polled by a "talker" program that sends the DECtalk Express words and phrases to speak. However, although the KIM-1 has 20mA current loop output you can turn into RS-232 serial, its built-in ROM routines can't reliably communicate at the 9600 baud rate the DECtalk Express demands.
Sipeed launches Tang Nano 20K FPGA dev kit
Sipeed launched yesterday the Tang Nano 20K development board powered by a GowinSemi FPGA from the GW2A series. This compact embedded platform offers the same amount of logic units as the Tang Primer 20K launched last year.
Computer-on-Module with Tiger Lake CPUs runs on Linux
The EmETX-i92U0 is an industrial Computer-on-Module designed with the 11th Generation Intel Core processors. This customizable board delivers Ultra HD display, codec support, up to 12x USB ports and wide expansion ports.