Standards and Programming
Simon Josefsson: Streamlined NTRU Prime sntrup761 goes to IETF
The OpenSSH project added support for a hybrid Streamlined NTRU Prime post-quantum key encapsulation method
to strengthen their X25519-based default in their version 8.5 released on 2021-03-03. While there has been a lot of talk about post-quantum crypto generally, my impression has been that there has been a slowdown in implementing and deploying them in the past two years. Why is that? Regardless of the answer, we can try to collaboratively change things, and one effort that appears strangely missing are IETF documents for these algorithms. -
30,000 GitHub stars [Ed: What are you bragging about, Daniel? Being Microsoft's slave? This is proprietary software, a GPL violation machine, and worse. Also, GitHub had two rounds of layoffs this year. It might be offline in a few years. There's no business model.]
Keeping up with the tradition. A little over two years since the curl reaching 20,000 GitHub stars celebrations I am here to post a new photo as we just surpassed 30,000 stars on curl/curl.
Dave Patrick Caberto: GSoC 2023: Introduction
I am Dave Patrick Caberto, a first-year Electronics Engineering student from Bataan Peninsula State University, Philippines. This summer, I will be working on the Rust and GTK 4 rewrite of Bustle, a D-Bus activity visualizer, with the guidance of my mentors, Bilal Elmoussaoui and Maximiliano Sandoval.
Me and my bizarre open-source journey
Weirdly enough, I first discovered Linux five years ago on a failed attempt to do Hackintosh. I got bored with Windows that I decided to try something new and different, and that's when I eventually stumbled upon Linux, specifically Elementary OS. It did not last for me since I still depend a lot on applications that are only available with Windows.
Fast-forward two years later, I decided to give Linux another try with KDE Neon and migrate my workflows to open-source applications such as LibreOffice, Inkscape, and Kdenlive. I remember feeling adventurous and breaking my system numerous times, though I considered it as part of the learning process. I was intrigued by the idea of being a part of a community of passionate developers and enthusiastic users. I also liked the customization it had. However, as I grew with it, I started to realize that I had spent way too much time configuring things and forgetting to focus on what was really important, and that is when I discovered GNOME.
What is a Supplier in Java
In Java, a supplier is a functional interface from the Java.util.function package that represents a supplier of results. It does not take any arguments and returns a value of the specified type.
What is a Provider in Java
In Java, a Provider is a class or interface that provides a way to obtain or create instances of a specific type or service.
Python Gotcha: Idiomatic file iteration has bad performance
Here is a performance footgun I encountered at work in a more complicated form. Python allows iterating over a file object. However, this iteration is defined as yielding lines, regardless of if the file is a text or binary file. In fact IOBase specifically says: IOBase (and its subclasses) supports the iterator protocol, meaning that an IOBase object can be iterated over yielding the lines in a stream. Lines are defined slightly differently depending on whether the stream is a binary stream (yielding bytes), or a text stream (yielding character strings).
Seaborn Cluster Map
The “sb.clustermap()” function is used for plotting statistical visuals based on the matplotlib software that is connected with “pandas” data structures.
Seaborn Rotate Axis Labels
The “ticklabels()” method can be used in Python to rotate the seaborn plot axis labels position. The seaborn provides a lot of figure customization.
Python Requests Delete Method
The “request.delete()” method is used to delete records or resource files that take some arguments and values that are used to communicate with the server.
SciPy Optimize Curve_fit
To obtain the optimized parameter for a provided function that fits the specified dataset, the “curve_fit()” function can be used.
Cumulative Product Pandas
In Python, the “cumprod()” method is used to calculate the cumulative product that contains current values and all the previous values in the form of an array.
Matplotlib Log Scale
Matplotlib supports logarithmic scaling on both the x-axis and y-axis, making it easy to visualize large and small data values.
Matplotlib Grid
To create and customize grid lines, the “plt.grid()” function of the “Matplotlib” library is used along with various attributes in Python.
List Index Out of the Range Python
The "list index out of range" is a common error in Python that occurs when trying to access an index that is outside the range of a list.
Isupper() Method in Python
The built-in method “isupper()” can be used to check if all the characters in a string are in uppercase or lowercase or others.
How to Use Matplotlib Trend Line
In Python, the “Matplotlib” library functions like “plt.polyfit()”, “poly1d()” and “plt.plot()” etc. are used together to add a “Trend Line” to a graph.
Geometric Mean Pandas
To calculate the “geometric mean” in Python, use the combined “pow()” and “len()” functions, the “gmean()” function, or the “statistics” module.
Calculation of Hamming Distance in Python
To calculate the “hamming distance” in Python, apply the “built-in function hamming(), use loops”, or utilize “List Comprehension” approach.
Typeerror: ‘list’ Object is Not Callable [Solved]
The “Typeerror: ‘list’ Object is Not Callable” error occurs when users access the list incorrectly or call a function same name as the list in the same code.
How to Use the Matplotlib imshow() Method
The matplotlib “imshow()” method is used for creating an image from 2-D numpy array and generated image will include one square for each element of the array.
Matplotlib Line Thickness
To change the line width/thickness in Python, the “matplotlib” library can be used. It creates interactive visualization, animation, and static.