Free Software/Open Source Leftovers
LibreArts Weekly recap — 30 April 2023
Week highlights: new releases of Kdenlive, Ardour, Audacity, Brickworks, Dragonfly Reverb, new features in GIMP, Krita, FreeCAD, Mayo.
GIMP is still getting small improvements despite the shift of the focus towards stabilizing for v3.0. Two new features this week: [...]
Best Free and Open Source Software – April 2023
April 2023 updates to the largest compilation of recommended free and open source software available for Linux.
OpenAI Threatens Popular GitHub Project With Lawsuit Over API Use
[Ed: Microsoft abusing control of GitHub to intimidate Free software; in this case, Microsoft is shielding a proprietary spyware gimmick.]GPT4Free reverse engineers other sites' connection to OpenAI so anyone can access the GPT4 or GPT3.5 models for free.
People of WordPress: Monika Rao
People of WordPress features Monika Rao, a product and quality assurance manager in India.