today's howtos
Sharing open, pbcopy and pbpaste over SSH
I think I talked about this a couple of times before, but I usually work by SSH-ing from my mac into a Linux machine (a rather chunky one, might I add).
While it allows me to work faster when I’m not home and with a poor internet connection, it has some drawbacks too. Two of them are the lack of clipboard integration and the fact that open (or xdg-open) won’t work.
In this post I’ll show you how I got around that. It’s worth nothing that I’ll focus more on a macOS to Linux workflow, and will hereby refer to them as client and host.
Enough said, let’s get to it!
Using Pandoc to format a Dissertation from Markdown to HTML, PDF, and ePub
Metawork is so much more fun than real work. Sharpening your pencils. Colour coordinating your filing system. Creating Gantt charts of what you intend to do. Marvellous!
In that spirit, here's how I used the venerable pandoc to convert my MSc dissertation from .md into a variety of more readable formats.
NVM – Install Multiple Node.js Versions in Linux
Node Version Manager (NVM in short) is a simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions on your Linux system. It allows you to install multiple node.js versions, and view all versions available for installation and all installed versions on your system.
Nvm also supports running of a specific node.js version and it can show the path to the executable to where it was installed, and much more.
How to Compile and Install OpenSSH from Source in Linux
OpenSSH is a free and open source, full implementation of the SSH protocol 2.0, which provides a number of tools for securely accessing and managing remote computer systems, and managing authentications keys, such as ssh (a secure replacement for telnet), scp, sftp (secure replacement for ftp), ssh-keygen, ssh-copy-id, ssh-add, and more.
Recently OpenSSH 9.3 was released and ships with many new features and bug fixes; you can read the SSH release notes for more information.
How to Configure DHCP Server on RHEL 9 / Rocky Linux 9
Check Running Process in Linux
As a system administrator, you might need to check all the processes that are consuming your computer's resources.
OpenBSD: Managing an inverter/converter with NUT
Having an Eaton Ellipse ECO UPS, I use the NUT project to manage it under OpenBSD.