today's howtos
The One-Time Task Scheduling Guide To Master the “at” Command | Linux Journal
When it comes to scheduling tasks in a Linux environment, system administrators and developers often use the cron command for recurring tasks. However, there is another powerful tool for scheduling one-time jobs, known as the at command. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of the at command, including its syntax, usage examples, and best practices.
Fix: 'Bad Interpreter: No Such File or Directory' Error in Linux
Did you try running a Bash script and got a “/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory” error message? The output isn’t very helpful and almost gives the impression your script is missing. Fortunately, that’s not the case, and the fix is very simple.
How to Install Linux in a Proxmox Virtual Environment
Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) is an open-source type 1 hypervisor based on Debian. It is used to power high-availability servers and enterprise or hobbyist labs. Proxmox is free to use, but in case you want service support, you can choose to pay for a service subscription.
You can install and run any server or desktop operating system on Proxmox. The only limiting factor will be your hardware capabilities. Let's take a look at how to get started with Proxmox by installing a Linux distro.
Finding files that have been modified recently in Linux
In this article, we'll explore different ways to find files that have been modified recently in Linux using various command line tools. We'll cover commands such as the find, grep, and locate commands, as well as tips and tricks to enhance your productivity and troubleshoot any issues you may encounter.
6 VirtualBox Alternatives for Running a Virtual Machine on Your PC
Virtualization programs can be extremely helpful if you require an additional OS on your computer without dealing with the hassles of a dual boot system. Out of the myriad of programs available, VMware's VirtualBox stands out thanks to its ease of use and free distribution.
However, depending on what you're looking for, VirtualBox might not be the virtualization software for you. Besides, it's far from perfect and can suffer from performance issues and a lack of features offered by other (often paid) alternatives.