Programming Leftovers
Andy Wingo: a world to win: webassembly for the rest of us
Good day, comrades!
Today I'd like to share the good news that WebAssembly is finally coming for the rest of us weirdos.
Simon Ser: Status update, March 2023
Hi all!
In the past week or so I’ve focused on a NPotM: go-imap, an IMAP library for Go. “But Simon, a New Project of the Month is supposed to be new!” Right, right, the NPotM is a lie… But only a half-lie: I’m rewriting it from scratch. go-imap was one of the first Go projects I’ve written, and I couldn’t recite the IMAP4rev1 RFC by heart at the time. This is just a roundabout way to say that mistakes were made. IMAP extensions — a lot of which provide important functionality — were designed to be implemented out-of-tree in separate Go modules. However many extensions change the behavior of existing commands, so trying to design a modular system is a fool’s errand which only results in a more complicated API. Go channels were (ab)overused in the public API. The internals were not designed with goroutine safety in mind, so races were ducktaped after the fact. It’s not possible to run multiple IMAP commands concurrently: each time a command is sent, the caller gets to twiddle their thumbs until the reply comes back before sending a new one, paying the full price of the roundtrip. The parser has a weird intermediate representation based on
Go values. Many functions and types are exported in the public API but really shouldn’t be. -
How to Handle Query String Errors in JavaScript
Query strings are a way to pass data between different pages or components of a web application.
Rakudo Weekly 2023.12 Priced/2
Andrew Shitov comes with exciting news: thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Perl and Raku Foundation, it has been possible to halve the ticket price to The Raku Conference 2023 on August 3-4 in Rīga, Latvia at the same location as the 2019 conference (Twitter, Mastodon).
How to Work with Hazelcast Distributed Maps in Java
Distributed maps provide a way for applications to store and access data in a distributed environment, where the data is automatically distributed across multiple nodes in a cluster.
Jussi Pakkanen: The joy of font debugging
Remember how in the previous blog post it was said that creating text in PDF would be "just a matter of setting some parameters"?
Well let's start by creating the main text in two justified columns.
Python String to Enum Conversion
The “getattr()” function, “__members__” attribute, or the Enum class method are used to convert the string to Enum in Python.
How to Get Return Code From Process in Python Subprocess Execution?
Use the “returncode” attribute, “communicate()”, or the “check_output” method to get the return code from a process in Python subprocess execution.
Python Extract Substring Using Regex
The “re.match()”, “”, “re.findall()”, and “re.finditer()” methods of the “re” module are used for extracting substring using regex in Python.
How to Read Pickle File Python?
To read the pickle file in python, use the “load()” method from the pickle package or alternatively use the “read_pickle()” method from the pandas package.
Top 10 Python Libraries for Cybersecurity
In today's society, in which technological advances surround us, one of the important priorities is cybersecurity.
How to create telnet client with asyncio in Python
Telnet is a client/server application protocol that uses TCP/IP for connection.