today's howtos
Linux Server Uptime Monitoring: Everything You Need to Know
As a server administrator, the uptime of your Linux server is one of the most critical metrics to keep track of. The longer the uptime, the better it is for your server’s performance and reliability.
How To Install Cockpit on Fedora 37
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Cockpit on Fedora 37. For those of you who didnât know, Cockpit is a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) for Linux servers.
How to Setup a Local CA Server on Ubuntu
How do I set up a local certificate authority server on Linux? Well, in this tutorial you will learn how to setup a Local CA Server on Ubuntu. You might want to setup a Local CA server for various reasons including to issue private certificates for your users and applications.
5 Best GMod Server Hosting in 2023 | Garryâs Mod Server Hosting [Ed: Might be spammy, hard to tell]
The unbearable quirkiness of Linux group permissions
All of the following interaction was as the user sandra with ellen% being the prompt (hostname + percent sign, zshâs default). Iâm in the dialout group. /tmp is sticky but that doesnât seem to matter here, as youâll see.
Universities are often environments with distributed accounts and identities
Another issue is that a university wide account is sometimes too powerful of a thing. If there is an outside professor or researcher visiting one department for a month, the university as a whole may not want to issue them an account that will give them central email, enroll them in various things the university is licensed for, and so on. And then when they leave at the end of the month, the university may want to deactivate the account but the department may not, because the department wants to foster an ongoing relationship with that person.