Programming Leftovers
Passing a function from R to C++
The algebraicMesh function of my package
takes as inputs a trivariate polynomial
\(P(x,y,z)\), a number
\(\ell\) and some other parameters, and
it returns a mesh of the isosurfa... -
Protocols, APIs, and conventions
The Fediverse is wired together by protocols like ActivityPub and WebFinger which, as yet, I know very little about. That's because the Steampipe plugin, which supports the dashboards I've been building and describing in this series, doesn't require me to understand or use those protocols.
Closing the NASA loop
curl is actually something which is critical, especially to our data management system. It is being used very widely across NASA. Dr Steve Crawford 2020 Back in 2020 I started getting emails from NASA asking for details and specifics about curl's origins and in particular about where contributors to the project works...